Reward Yourself

“There is no reward equal to that of doing the most good to the most people in the most need.”  ~Evangeline Booth (1919)

Eva Cory Booth was born in London where she was home-schooled, grew up doing the work of the Salvation Army. As a teen, she was known as the “White Angel of the Slums.” After moving to America, she changed her first name to Evangeline.

At age 23, she was placed in charge of the Salvation Army’s International Training College in Clapton and put in command of all Salvation Army forces in London. She became the Salvation Army’s principal advocate and fund-raiser. Her valiant leadership was recognized by its Board to announce in 1934 that she was the selected as the 4th World Commander of the Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army, in the United States and worldwide, became first responders to women and families in need. Crises, such as calamities requiring the mobility of mass services, activated prompt response. Families burned out by a fire, homelessness, battered women shelters, weather disasters activate even today the response of the Salvation Army.

During this season of giving, give and reward yourself by doing the most good that you can. The world needs you.

About AnitaAnswers

I am an encourager who believes in LIFE (learning, information, function, expression). Author: Climb Every Obstacle: Eliminate Your Limits!
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